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Tyndale Primary School

New Class Teachers for 2024 - 2025



Dear All Parents/Carers,

Here at Tyndale, to give our children the best chance of success, we go above and beyond to make transitions as effective as possible. In order to do this, it is extremely important that when we can, our communication with the whole school community is as timely as possible.  

Therefore, I am pleased to share with you the Class Teacher allocations for next academic year!

All pupils will be informed of this in Celebration Assembly today at 1.15pm. So, if you are a parent volunteer or you are in school today for a meeting, please keep this to yourself until the end of the school day when you can excitedly discuss this openly with your child.

Now this is 'out in the open' we hope that it will encourage parents and new teachers to start discussions about transition planning, handovers and any vital information to ensure your child gets the best chance of success as they move up to their new year group.

Teachers meet with each other in Term 6 regularly to discuss children in detail, including any SEND, behaviour or attendance support plans and other reasonable adjustments in place to ensure that your child will receive the same high quality support they get now.

Classrooms in KS2 will remain in the same location. For example:

- The current Year 3 class will be the new Year 3 class and the current Year 4 class will be the new Year 4 class.

- EYFS will remain in the same classroom.

- The only change is that the current Year 1 classroom will be the new Year 2 classroom and the current Year 2 classroom will be the new Year 1 classroom. 

We'll send you a map nearer time so that you know where you need to drop off and pick up!

We'll have two transition days (in line with Secondary Transition Days) on the 3rd and 4th July, where pupils will get to know their new class teacher and they will have a chance to navigate their new classrooms all before the summer holidays. This will support with any worries of the unknown over the 6 week break.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to come and speak to us. Please feel free to introduce yourself to your new class teacher if you see them in passing and there will be plenty of opportunities to see them from now until the summer holidays.

Kind regards

Ms K Parkhouse
