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Tyndale Primary School

New Safeguarding Officer


New Safeguarding Officer

Dear Parents/Carers,

I am delighted to announce that Leah Bridson has been appointed as our new Safeguarding Officer to join the ‘Child and Family Team’. 

Ms Bridson, who you will know as a member of staff who works as a Teaching Assistant predominantly in KS1, will now be a ‘Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead’ working alongside Ms Parkhouse, who is the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL), and Mr Crouch (DDSL) to keep our children and families happy and safe.

Ms Bridson already has many trusted relationships with pupils and families, particularly in Year 2, and I am pleased to inform you that she will still be very invested in continuing these professional relationships despite her being in a new role. Ms Bridson will be working with pupils regularly by delivering Forest School interventions, as well as providing behaviour support across all year groups and also providing and/or coordinating other pastoral interventions such as anger and anxiety gremlins. 

I’m sure you’ll join me in congratulating Ms Bridson for her success in securing this role. I will be in touch when we have successfully appointed a new Teaching Assistant to work within KS1 now Ms Bridson is in this role.

Ms Bridson will be on the gate for you to speak with during most mornings and afternoons and she will also be in contact with families and pupils over the coming weeks to introduce herself. However, please feel free to contact her if you need her support in the meantime via the admin email by putting ‘FAO Ms Bridson’ in the subject line. 

If you have any questions related to this appointment, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards

Ms K Parkhouse
